How We Can Help You!

B-E-S-T Business Consulting

If you're looking to start or grow your security business, we can help! Our team has years of experience in the industry and are passionate about helping businesses succeed. We offer a range of services including business coaching, business plan writing, niche selection, sales training, and more.

B-E-S-T Security Industry Platform

With our comprehensive platform, you'll have everything you need to grow your business. From tools and support to resources and training, B-E-S-T has it all. With everything you need in one place, you can focus on what's important - growing your business. So why wait?

B-E-S-T Recruitment Process

If your recruitment costs are spiraling out of control or your overtime costs are skyrocketing because you are struggling to attract and retain your security officers, we can help you!

We are process improvement experts with an intimate knowledge of recruiting in the security industry!

B-E-S-T Online Presence

Every forward thinking security company owner knows how important their online presence is. Whether you are just starting out, or you are well established, we can help you use your total online presence to establish yourself an authority within your selected niche.

Meet B-E-S-T: The all in one platform to grow your security company faster.

If you're a forward-thinking security company owner, you know that selecting the right system is critical to your success. You may be overwhelmed with the various platforms available on the market today. You may be struggling to manage multiple software platforms and customer databases.

B-E-S-T is the all-in-one platform that will give you the tools, support and resources you need to help your security company succeed. With B-E-S-T, you'll have everything you need in one place, so you can focus on growing your business.

Sign up for your free trial today and experience the many benefits of using a single platform. With our platform, you'll be able to manage all of your important tasks in one place. This will help you stay organized and efficient. AND You'll also be able to access your data from anywhere, at any time. So why wait?

Learn what B-E-S-T can do for you ⬇⬇

Website Builder

Are you looking for a website builder that is easy to use and will help you create pages that are blazing fast and SEO friendly?

Look no further than B-E-S-T! With our page builder, you can attach unlimited domains and create pages that load up to 2x faster than any other tool you've used.


Social Media Management

Imagine managing all your social media accounts in a single place.

With B-E-S-T you can plan, schedule & analyze all your social media accounts and posts with a single login. No need to switch between accounts or trying to remember what you posted where.


Reputation Management

As a security business owner, you know how important your online reputation is!

Get 5 STARS and proactively manage your security company's reputation.

B-E-S-T enables you to continuously improve your business reputation on Google and Facebook.

With the click of a button you can quickly request reviews with personalized review requests, then easily track, respond to, and monitor your reviews in one place. There’s also a review widget that allows you to display real reviews on your website.


Dedicated Business Phone Number WITH integrated Call Recording

With B-E-S-T, incoming and outgoing calls are automatically recorded and logged against each contact!

Use your dedicated, separate business number that you can text or call contacts from your phone or the web, and add voicemail drops, automatic replies for missed calls and send follow up text messages automatically.


Contact Management

Leads and customers can now be easily managed in one spot! You can create segmented audiences and gain actionable data. View contact history including website visits, page views, charges, email opens, links clicked, support tickets, and more.



With B-E-S-T, you can create advanced invoices, create recurring billing, payment plans, and more. You can even create advanced automated sequences if a customer misses a payment. All while using your favorite payment processors on the backend. B-E-S-T is the ultimate tool for security companies of all sizes.

Do you own Billing and have clients pay by credit card all on this platform


Sales Management/CRM

Looking to manage your sales process from a single location? Look no further than B-E-S-T! Our easy-to-use platform helps you convert opportunities into customers without losing any important historical information. Plus, your sales team can grow with ease without having to worry about retraining each new employee from scratch. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!



Looking to improve your sales productivity? Check out our individual and team calendars! With B-E-S-T, you can book sales calls, meetings, and more in seconds. Plus, our Google Calendar sync will keep you up-to-date with your schedule. And for extra productivity boost, try our advanced AI booking bots!.


Customer Service

With B-E-S-T, EVERY CONVERSATION is at your fingertips, whether you're sending an email, text, Facebook message or chatting live. And since everything's happening inside of B-E-S-T, your team can stay up to date with your customer's history without balls being dropped or information being lost in translation.


Security Officer Training / Onboarding

No need to manage an entirely separate learning management program!

Ramp up your security officer onboarding and ongoing training?

B-E-S-T allows you to create and upload unlimited training and education for your security officers. Keep track of the training they have completed and send out automated reminders when training is due!


Save Time With Automation

Don't get tied down with repetitive tasks such as sending out payment or even interview reminders. Let B-E-S-T take care of it for you automatically!

Schedule automated tasks (such as proposal follow ups, email check-ins with new customers or 90 day nurture campaigns for new security officers) without breaking a sweat!



Forms make it easier than ever to get new customers and locations up and running. And since everything lives inside one platform, you never lose track of the information


Email Marketing Manager

Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your employees and customers and keep them up to date on your latest products and services or company updates.

B-E-S-T makes it easy to create and send targeted newsletters and follow-up campaigns that are optimized for deliverability.

So why wait? Sign up to the B-E-S-T platform and enjoy our email marketing manager at no additional cost today!


Detailed Reporting

Manage your security company through detailed reporting in a single platform.

With our innovative tracking system, you can see the lifetime value of your customers and your marketing campaigns without relying on Facebook Pixels.

Know which sales people are performing, how many calls were answered or missed, even how many visits you had to your website without leaving B-E-S-T!


Why Work With Us?

When you join us, you'll get access to award winning security industry experts who have hands on

experience in the security industry. They have either owned and/or managed security companies

in the USA and internationally.

Whether you are in the infancy phase and need help writing a business plan, or you are already up and running and need help refining your systems and process, we can help you!

You will also have access to our library of articles,

updated regularly with the latest security industry news and best practices.

Why your security company needs a website | Business Efficiency Services

September 02, 20224 min read

75% of users admit to making judgments about a company’s credibility based on their website’s design according to the Web Credibility Research from Stanford.

In today's digital age, it's more important than ever for security companies to have an online presence. A website is the perfect platform to showcase your services, build trust with potential customers, and generate leads. In the 21st century, potential customers expect to be able to find information about your business online, and if they can't, they'll take their business elsewhere. A website is an essential part of any modern business, and that includes security companies. Here's why.

A Website Increases Your Visibility

Security Companies Near Me Google Search

The 2022 Global Connectivity Index surveyed that approximately 63 percent, or 5 billion people have internet access. Having a website makes it easier for potential customers to find you. If someone is looking for a security company in their area and they find your website, that's a potential lead. But if they can't find your website, they'll likely just go with one of your competitors. In other words, not having a website is effectively turning away business.

A Website Helps You Build Trust

When you have a website, you have a place where you can build trust and establish credibility with potential customers. You can use your website to showcase your experience and credentials, as well as testimonials from satisfied clients. This will help build confidence in potential customers and make them more likely to choose you over one of your competitors. Remember, if you want people to entrust their safety to you, you need to show that you're the best possible option out there! 

According to a Verisign-sponsored study, over two-thirds of customers believe a company with a website is more reputable than one without.

A Website Makes You Look More Professional

In the eyes of potential customers, not having a website makes you look like you're behind the times. Having a well-designed website shows that you're keeping up with the latest trends and that you're serious about your business. This professional image will give potential customers more confidence in your company and make them more likely to choose you over one of your competitors.

The Power of a Professional Website design

Your website is often the first impression potential customers will have of your business. First impressions are everything, so you want to make sure your website leaves a good one! A well-designed website will communicate that your security company is professional, trustworthy, and knowledgeable. On the other hand, a poorly designed website will do just the opposite. First impressions are made online, so it's important to invest in a professional website design. 

If You Have An Existing Website

There are many ways to keep a security company website fresh and relevant, but there is one that cannot be ignored: updating the content and parts of the design! The internet moves quickly, which means that if you don’t update your site on a regular basis it will quickly fall behind the times. More importantly, though, updating your site regularly also gives you an opportunity to reach people who may not have visited in a while.

Here are 5 signs your security company website needs an update!


If you're running a security company without a website, you are losing out on business. A website is an essential part of doing business in the 21st century, and it offers numerous benefits for security companies specifically. Having a website makes it easier for potential customers to find you, helps you build trust with those customers, and makes you look more professional overall. Business Efficiency Services has the B-E-S-T Security Industry Platform that helps establish and shape your full online presence without having to learn multiple softwares and platforms.

3 Essentials To Consider For Your Website

  • Domain name - Choose and register a domain name through a service such as

  • Website building & Hosting - Find an place to host and build your website that does not require technical knowhow. One such example is

  • Images & Visual Aids - Use several media types (gif, short video, or images) to deliver your messages using real and authentic images of your security company. Stock photos erode your credibility!

blog author image

Jacqui Didieu

Jacqui is an accomplished and award winning security professional with years of experience in both the law enforcement and private security industries. She has a record of success in business turnarounds in the security industry, and provides physical security and security consulting to local, national and global companies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is B-E-S-T a CRM Tool?

B-E-S-T is an all in one marketing software that provides security companies and business owners with customer relationship management services.

B-E-S-T CRM allows you to manage all aspects of your customer relationships and many more.

Is there a limit on the number of users

on B-E-S-T?

Unlike Hubspot, Salesforce and others, B-E-S-T gives you access to create unlimited users so your business can grow without increasing your costs!

What are the tools B-E-S-T can replace?

B-E-S-T replaces dozens of tools including WordPress, Wix, ClickFunnels, Mailchimp, Teachable, ActiveCampaign, Pipeline, Kartra, Calendly, Hubspot, SalesForce, Thinkific, Kajabi, Woocommerce, Samcart, Pipedrive, Woodpecker, and many more.

Does B-E-S-T allow Custom Domains?

Yes, B-E-S-T allows custom domains. You can go to settings to connect a custom domain or subdomain to your site.

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